Cheap Teenage Car Insurance- Is it Possible?

Two words that never fail to fill parents with a sense of dread are “Teenage Drivers”, and if you’re kids or you are just about ready to legally get behind the wheel, you may be wondering how to get the best deal on teenage car insurance. As a parent, you always have a choice of adding your kids to your current policy, but this will mean added costs to your annual premium, sometimes an upwards of 20 percent to almost 200 percent. When we say teenage car insurance, this is in fact from the age 17.

Car insurance by itself is expensive, but teenage vehicle insurance is even more expensive for several reasons. Statistics indicate that one in five drivers is involved in an accident in their first year of driving alone, but contrarily not everyone learns to drive when they are a teenager. Statistics do however also prove that teenage drivers are more likely to get in a car crash and initiate claims than seasoned and older drivers.

This is the sole reason why teenage car insurance costs substantially higher owing to the fact that insurance companies offset the higher risk of a claim with the insurance premiums. If you’re a teen ready to get in the driver seat or a parent looking to get the best deal on teenage car insurance, a no obligatory quote is just a click away. Until a few years ago, teenage car insurance for male drivers was more expensive than their female counterparts, but those days are over due to recent changes in the way insurance companies’ price their policies. This is where U Drive Cover can help get you cover for young drivers car insurance.

In the EU and UK, statistics prove that male drivers are more involved in car accidents than teenage female drivers. Although this gender biased pricing algorithm is still widely practiced, new directives in 2012 state that insurance companies can’t discriminate based on gender. To most individuals, this may mean that male teenage car insurance would plunge to rates previously enjoyed by female teenage drivers, but in the real world, this means that teenage car insurance for women is just going to get higher.

The costs of motoring have simply hit the roof in the past few years thanks to the rising insurance costs and fuel prices. To add to this, the gender directive combined with the Continuous Insurance Enforcement legislation doesn’t ease the buying decision. This legislation simply states that vehicles must be insured even if they are not being driven, except vehicles that possess a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notice) or declared off the road.

Anyone individual young or old, male or female in possession of a vehicle that is not SORN certified or without insurance is liable for a penalty of £100 or face fines of up to £1,000. How does this relate to teenage car insurance? Research indicates that several drivers have changed their driving habits to cope with the rising motoring costs, while a few have given up driving altogether.

Yet there are a few cheeky individuals who continue to disregard the law and continue to drive with no car insurance whatsoever, which costs insurance companies a staggering £500million a year in losses that is further passed on to law abiding insured motorists at an additional £30 each year. This gives you all the more reason to get the right teenage car insurance policy, and one that that will drive costs downwards gradually not upwards.

“Enter website name” can provide you with an instant quote just by entering a few relevant details so why wait when your teenage could be behind the wheel today, legally. We all do it, tend to take shortcuts sometimes, and as a teenage driver or parent of one you may be tempted to take some too, but this could be detrimental when making an insurance claim. There are however a few legitimate steps you can take without cutting corners and still maintaining the required teenage car insurance cover.

The first and most recommended way to get cheaper teenage car insurance is by enrolling and passing a recognized driving course such as Pass Plus. Generally, high teenage car insurance premiums are a result of their driving experience so any recognized driving courses will colour them as a more responsible driver and be rewarded with cheaper teenage car insurance premiums.

Teenagers can also set up a policy with an older person or friend as a named driver, which in most cases should see a reduction in insurance premiums. However, the main driver of the vehicle, in this case the teenager should never be a named driver, which is dubbed as fronting and could void the policy or in worse cases could get you convicted for driving without a valid insurance policy.

Visit “enter website name” to get more tips on how to save money on teenage car insurance or better yet get an instant quote and start saving today!