Author Archives: Andrew Barnard

Severn Crossing toll charge to be scrapped in 2019

Regular motorists that use the Severn Crossing toll between England and Wales could well find themselves £1,400 better off from 2019, after confirmation its toll charges will be scrapped completely Announcing the move, taking effect from the end of 2018, Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns said removing the fees – which rise to as high as £20 for […]

The UK to ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars in 2040

In 23 years time it has been announced the sale of all petrol and diesel vehicles will be no more. Michael Gove has set out this date for his air strategy which will also include the recommendation for a “value for money” diesel scrappage scheme when it goes through the High Court in a few […]

Deputy London Mayer targeting diesel cars in a big way

London’s drivers have been warned that they face “aggressive action” and that “diesel fuel is being targeted” as Transport For London (TfL) and the Mayor of London set out a strategy to eliminate vehicle emissions by 2050. The long-term plan of a zero-emissions London is the headline target in Mayor Sadiq Khan’s recently announced Transport Strategy, which is open […]

Nearly £100 million of car parking fines handed out in 2016

If you are the type of motorist that cuts it close and are often overstaying your welcome in a public car park, or seek out your own unconventional personal parking area to avoid the weekend rush in your nearest major city, you may want to avoid the UK’s newly-revealed parking fine heat map. UK Carline analysed data that the parking […]

Electric car sales hit the two million mark

Longer vehicle battery life and increased support from some of the world’s biggest leaders have been credited with a huge surge in sales of electric cars, with over two million now on the road. Across the world, there was a 60% uplift in last year compared to 2015, as the electric motor industry started to gain some real momentum. […]

Motorists wary of driverless cars

The big Technology companies have a long way to go to convince car drivers they can be trusted with driverless cars, research suggests. A new study from Inrix reveals that less than one in five road users in Britain would be willing to place their trust in a driverless vehicle built by a technology company. A range […]

Tough phone penalties fail to put off motorists

It has been revealed that a driver is caught every seven minutes using their mobile phone at the wheel when driving, even with the new tougher laws in place! In the four weeks since re-enforced laws for handheld use behind at thewheel took effect, UK police have penalised nearly 6,000 motorists – over 200 a day. […]

1 in 5 drivers do not research car finance

A study recently published by Parkers state that more than 20% of all drivers using finance to fund a car purchase don’t look at all of the options available and just take what is being offered at the dealership when in the process of buying their car. Added to this it has been revealed that […]

Digital driving licence anyone?

It may sound futuristic and something that may be befitting from the new Blade Runner movie, but by 2018 we could have digital driving licences. While the “Quick, easy and secure” service will not fully replace plastic licences, it will provide a convenient and legal alternative for those with a compatible device. The Driver and […]